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Essential Oil Roller Recipes: Calm, Hustle and Joyful


One of my favorite things do with essential oils [1] is to come up with recipes that combine some of my favorite individual oils and blends into one amazing roller combo for a specific purpose! Then I can stick them in my purse, take them on the go and have all the oily goodness I need in one handy roller!

Three of my all-time favorite recipes that I’ve ever come up with are my Calm, Hustle and Joyful rollers.


The first, my Calm Roller, is my secret weapon for when things get stressful and my nerves are needing some grounding. 😉 I combine my calming favorites: Lavender, Stress Away, Patchouli, Valor II, Vetiver and some V6 Carrier oil in a 10ml roller bottle that goes everywhere with me! Anytime I’m needing to chill out I roll this combo behind my ears and on my wrists. 

Next up is my Hustle blend! I whip this baby out when things are needing to get done! It’s a combination of Motivation, Orange and Peppermint and smells divine! I love rolling it all over my forearms every time I’m needing an extra boost. The peppermint gives it a really nice cooling effect that keeps me focused, alert and ready to tackle my to-do list!

screen-shot-2016-11-11-at-10-40-10-pmMy third secret weapon is my Joyful roller blend. I ditched synthetic perfume two years ago now and this has replaced it!

I love that this combo not only smells amazing but also supports my mood. Did you know that there is actual science behind Ylang Ylang, Bergamot and Orange oils and mood support?! 

So there you have it – three of my favorite roller combos! If ya’ll like these let me know and I’ll share some other favorites with you!

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And if you haven’t gotten started with oils yet – for real, will you take my word on this friends and just go for it? They have been the best investment our family has ever made into our health and wellness.

Plus, when you get started with us you get an incredible amount of support including access to our private Facebook group with over 1,200 oily friends to help you learn how to use you oils! I’m offering a really special deal this month – you can check it out over here [1]!