- Bargain Blessings - https://www.bargainblessings.com -

New Page on Bargain Blessings!


Alright guys, so it is no secret from the verse at the top of our site that Alyssa and I (Jennie) are Christians..saved by the grace of God. We are so thankful for all the readers we already have…especially for only being just over a month old! I’ve been wanting to create a special section for you on our blog for a while now and I’ve finally gotten around to it! (sad, I know!)

One the right hand side of the page you will see a section called Prayer Requests [2]. We would be honored to pray for whatever need you have….and my hope is that others will check this section occasionally and join us in prayer for other Bargain Blessings readers! If you would like to post a prayer request simply leave a comment on that post. No need to leave your name…you can always post anonymously.
So with that said I fully realize that we have readers that are not Christians and might think I’m crazy for adding something like this to a bargain/deal/coupon site, but I think it is very important and I wanted to provide this as a resource that is there should anyone ever need it. Maybe no one will use it, but if there is just one person we can help by praying for them it would be our greatest pleasure! We started Bargain Blessings to help others…and frankly-I can think of no better way!